Museu, managed by the Michael Culture Association, is a museums domain aggregator, trusted by Europeana. Besides Museu, Michael Culture Association has also the legacy of the collections aggregated during the European project Athena, Linked Heritage and AthenaPlus. During the DSI initiatives these collections are gradually transferred in the MUSEU istance or to national aggregators when requested,
MUSEU | Albania | Gjrokaster Ethnographic Museum |
MUSEU | Albania | Municipality of Gjrokaster |
MUSEU | Belgium | Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium |
MUSEU | Belgium | Michael Culture |
MUSEU | Belgium | Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels |
MUSEU | Croatia | Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb |
MUSEU | Croatia | Zadar Research Library |
MUSEU | Czech Republic | Arts and Theatre Institute |
MUSEU | Denmark | National Gallery of Denmark |
LINKED HERITAGE | Estonia | Dr. Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi Memoriaalmuuseum |
MUSEU | France | Mobilier National |
LINKED HERITAGE | Germany | Bildarchiv Volkskundliche Kommision für Westfalen |
LINKED HERITAGE | Germany | Westfälisches Volkslied- und Tonarchiv |
MUSEU | Germany | Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | AlliiertenMuseum |
MUSEU | Germany | Alte Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Deutsches Technikmuseum |
MUSEU | Germany | Digitales Kunst- und Kulturarchiv Düsseldorf |
MUSEU | Germany | Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum |
MUSEU | Germany | Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Goethe-Haus Frankfurt |
MUSEU | Germany | Handel House |
MUSEU | Germany | Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | |
MUSEU | Germany | Museum für Islamische Kunst |
MUSEU | Germany | Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Museumsdorf Cloppenburg - Niedersächsisches |
MUSEU | Germany | Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Spielzeugmuseum der Stadt Nürnberg |
MUSEU | Germany | Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig |
MUSEU | Germany | Stiftung Domäne Dahlem - Landgut und Museum |
MUSEU | Germany | Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg |
MUSEU | Germany | Worderasiatisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
MUSEU | Germany | Zentralarchiv, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
ATHENA | Greece | National Documentation Center |
MUSEU | Greece | Benaki Museum |
MUSEU | Greece | Μεγάλη Μουσική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδας «Λίλιαν Βουδούρη» - Σύλλογος Οι Φίλοι της Μουσικής |
ATHENAPLUS | Hungary | Museum of applied arts, Budapest |
ATHENAPLUS | Hungary | Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum |
LINKED HERITAGE | Hungary | National Széchenyl Library of Hungary |
MUSEU | Hungary | Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest |
MUSEU | Hungary | Schola Graphidis Art Collection |
ATHENAPLUS | Italy | Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma |
LINKED HERITAGE | Italy | DArIL: Digital Archive of Inaugural Lectures at Renaissance and Early Modern Universities |
LINKED HERITAGE | Italy | Franca Rame, Dario Fo Archive |
LINKED HERITAGE | Italy | Nuova Biblioteca Manoscritta, Regione Veneto |
LINKED HERITAGE | Italy | Regione del Veneto, Il Fondo musicale della Chiesa di S. Maria della Consolazione di Venezia |
LINKED HERITAGE | Italy | Università di Padova |
MUSEU | Italy | AMS Historica Bologna |
MUSEU | Italy | Associazione culturale GoTellGo |
MUSEU | Italy | Biblioteca di archeologia e storia dell’arte |
MUSEU | Italy | Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa |
MUSEU | Italy | Epigraphic Database Roma |
MUSEU | Italy | Istituto di scienze del patrimonio culturale |
MUSEU | Italy | Museo Archeologico La Civitella |
ATHENAPLUS | Lithuania | Šiaulių Aušros Muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Akmenės krašto muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Antano Baranausko ir Antano Vienuolio-Zukausko Memorialinis Muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Biržų krašto muziejus "Sėla" |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Kaunas 9th Forth Museum |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Kauno miesto muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Kelmės krašto muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Lietuvos švietimo istorijos muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Literatūrinis A. Puškino muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Lithuanian Sea Museum |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Maironio lietuvių literatūros muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Pinigų muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Rokiškio krašto muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Samigitian Museum Alka |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Šiaulių Aušros Muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | The Lithuanian National Museum of Art |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Trakai History Museum |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Utenos kraštotyros muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Zarasų krašto muziejus |
MUSEU | Lithuania | Žemaičių vyskupystės muziejus |
MUSEU | Poland | The International Center for Information Management System and Services |
ATHENAPLUS | Romania | Institutul Național Al Patrimoniului |
MUSEU | Romania | Octavian Goga Cluj County Library |
MUSEU | Russia | Merab Marmardashvili Foundation |
MUSEU | Russia | National Library of the Udmurt Republic |
MUSEU | Russia | State Leo Tolstoj Museum |
MUSEU | Slovenia | Ministrstvo za kulturo, Direktorat za kulturno dediščino, INDOK center |
MUSEU | Spain | Girona City Council |
MUSEU | Sweden | Hallwyl Museum |
MUSEU | Sweden | National Museum Sweden |
MUSEU | Sweden | Skokloster Castle |
MUSEU | Sweden | The National Archives of Sweden |
MUSEU | Sweden | The Royal Armoury |
LINKED HERITAGE | Ukraine | Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv Natiüonal University |
LINKED HERITAGE | Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine |
LINKED HERITAGE | Ukraine | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv |
MUSEU | Ukraine | State Polytechnic Museum of Ukrainian National Technical University Kiev |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Battersea Arts Centre |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Bolton Council |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Egypt Centre |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Horniman Museums and Gardens |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Jersey Heritage |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Wakefield Council |
ATHENAPLUS | United Kingdom | Wiltshire Treasures |
MUSEU | United Kingdom | Grecian Archive |
MUSEU | United Kingdom | Nottingham City Museum and Galleries |
MUSEU | Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana |