MUSEU_HUB is one of the Europeana accredited aggregator to the
Europeana service. The Europeana Aggregators Forum (EAF) and the
Europeana Foundation have now an accreditation process for the
Aggregators involved in Europeana Initiative.

Access to the list on Europeana PRO

Europeana Aggregator

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"Making the collections
held by Europe's libraries,
archives, museums
and audiovisual archives
available online
is a win-win for culture,
economic growth
and individual fulfilment".



Europeana Aggregator

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"Digitising Europe's cultural heritage,
making it accessible online
and preserving it
for future generations
is one of the challenges
of the Digital Single Market". 



Europeana Aggregator

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"As single access point
to Europe's digital culture, 
Europeana provides
access to culture for all,
including for education,
work and leisure,
and serves as a hub
for the creative industries
and innovative re-use
of cultural material"


Europeana Aggregator

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"Drive the creation of Europeana
and provide digitised content".

Europeana Aggregator

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