Here you can find a list of useful publications edited by experts of our network during past European projects.

Metadata for the description of digital exhibitions: the DEMES Element Set
Version 1.0 (June 2016)
edited by AthenaPlus Digital Exhibitions Working Group; texts by Giuliana De Francesco (MIBACT), Arlene Peukert (SPK), Stefan Rohde-Enslin (SPK), Werner Schweibenz (BSZ), MIBACT, 2016
A set of 30 descriptive elements specific to digital exhibitions, grouped into seven semantic sections based on existing standards.the seven sections, including the elements, are packaged together in a wrapper called Digital Exhibition Metadata Elements Set (DEMES).
DOWNLOAD: PDF, 1054 kb

Digital storytelling and cultural heritage: stakes and opportunities
edited by AthenaPlus WP5 "Creative applications for the reuse of cultural resources"; texts by Julien Brouillard & Claire Loucopoulos, Dédale (France), Barbara Dierickx, Packed (Belgium), MIBACT, 2015
What is digital storytelling? What tools, devices and services are available? What are the recommendations and technical guidelines for GLAMs wanting to carry out digital storytelling projects? The aim of this publication is to inform cultural institutions on stakes and opportunities given by digital storytelling and answer to their doubts.
DOWNLOAD: PDF, 2242 kb

Implementing LIDO
text by Gordon McKenna (Collections Trust), Regine Stein (Bildarchiv Foto Marburg), MIBACT, 2015
A methodology for implementing LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects), and in doing so give help and advice to potential and new users of lido seeking to employ it.
DOWNLOAD: PDF, 2076 kb

eCultureMap: how cultural institutions can benefit from geolocalised content
text by Franc J. Zakrajsek (IPCHS), Vlasta Vodeb (UIRS), MIBACT, 2015
The eCultureMap is created as a simple, interactive geographical map and is ready for use by the general public and professionals on mobile devices as well as on desktops. The booklet presents the guidelines for use and reuse of the eCultureMap content.
DOWNLOAD: PDF, 7734 kb

Your terminology as a part of the semantic web recommendations for design and management
edited by Linked Heritage WP3 and ATHENA WP4 "Terminology and multilingualism", MIBAC, 2011
This publication aims in priority at people working in European museums, experts or non-experts in Information Engineering and/or Linguistics, who have an interest on terminology and multilingualism. It proposes recommendations helping you to manage your terminology, to make it compliant and optimized for improving multilinguality on Europeana and to make it as a part of the Semantic Web following. The more you respect them, the more you improve the future retrievability of your digital collections online.
French translation also available:
Votre terminologie comme élément du web sémantique: Recommandations de conception et de management (PDF, 3631 kb)

Geocoded digital cultural content
edited by Franc J. Zakrajsek and Vlasta Vodeb, MIBAC, 2011
The publicationfocuses on Geographic location, which is a very important attribute of a cultural heritage item. It can describe provenience, the current institution, as well as the location of the event or other related events. The added value of the geo-coded cultural content is in the browsing of cultural portals efficiently through space and time, and searching for content in a more user friendly way. This work is a result of a strong cooperation between Linked Heritage and the INDICATE project, a concluded European Union FP7 project which aimed to establish a network of common interest made up of experts and researchers in the field of e-infrastructures and digital cultural heritage at Euro Mediterranean level.
DOWNLOAD: PDF, 2731 kb

Lightweight Information Describing Object: LIDO: the international harvesting standard for museums
edited by ATHENA WP3 Working Group "Identifying standards and developing recommendations"
LIDO is the result of a collaborative effort of international stakeholders in the museum sector to create a common solution for contributing cultural heritage content to portals and other repositories of aggregated resources, as well as exposing, sharing and connecting data on the web. Being an application of the CIDOC conceptual reference model (CRM) it provides and explicit format to deliver museum's object information in a standardised way.

Persistent identifiers (PIDs):
recommendations for institutions
edited by ATHENA WP3 Working Group "Identifying standards and developing recomendations", MIBAC, 2011
Implementing and maintaining the use of persistent identifiers in an organisation is a classic change-management process. It requires both investment, in time and other resources, and commitment from staff, the return on this investment, however, can be significant.
DOWNLOAD: PDF (275 kb)

Guidelines for geographic information
edited by ATHENA WP7 Working Group “Development of plug-ins to be integrated within the European Digital Library, MIBAC, 2011
These guidelines aim at providing basic information for the description of geographic locations. It needs to be implemented in such a way that the geographic location information is machine-readable and thus can be used also in Europeana and other relevant portals to identify the place of objects.
DOWNLOAD: PDF (2450 kb)

Digitisation Standard Landscape for European museums, archives, libraries
edited by ATHENA WP3 “Working Group” “Identifying standards and developing recommendations”
Metadata are structures information about any kind of resource, which is used to identify, describe, manage or give access to that resource.
DOWNLOAD: PDF (297 kb)