Here you can find capacity building materials: infomration on interactive courses and the videorecordings of webinars and workshops organised by the Michael Culture Association.
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Introduction to metadata and mapping to the Europeana Data Model (EDM)
Interactive course on the Europeana Academy
Are you considering to share your data with Europeana? And do you work in a cultural heritage institution (CHI) that has a collection of objects but very few resources in terms of staff and funding, and a lack of technological skills? Or do you want to learn about metadata, enrichment and the Europeana Data Model in general? In both cases, this course is for you!
The learning goals are:
- Learn about metadata and get a basic understanding of the Europeana Data Model (EDM), a metadata standard adopted by Europeana
- Get an an introduction to preparing effective digital content and metadata to be shared with Europeana.
- Learn how to semantically enrich your data to facilitate discoverability.
- Learn how to successfully associate the right licence to your digital content.
- Put into practice what you have learned filling an Excel spreadsheet with the metadata related to one or more records that you would like to make interoperable with Europeana.
The course has been edited within the DataSpace, by the Michael Culture Association for the Europeana Academy.
DSI Webinar - The ontology of Wikidata: how to interact with it for a better quality
Many cultural institutions that aggregate data for Europeana use Wikidata elements to enrich their content and improve the quality of their data. The more Wikidata is effective, the better the quality of the results of those who use Wikidata will be. In this webinar, held by Camillo Pellizzari, we will learn the characteristics of the Wikidata ontology and how to correctly add new items related to concepts absent in Wikidata by setting the relationships between them and the pre-existing elements (classes and subclasses).
DSI Webinar - Methodologies for metadata semantic enrichment
Europeana “augments” its data providers’ metadata by automatically linking text strings found in the metadata to controlled terms from Linked Open vocabularies. This process is called “semantic enrichment”. In this webinar we will present some experiences carried out to facilitate this process using automatic enrichment, artificial intelligence and crowdsourcing.
Opening: Maria Teresa Natale (MCA)
- Maša Škrinjar (Europeana): Introduction to enrichment for Europeana
- Eirini Kaldeli (NTUA): The experience of automatic enrichment (texts and colours) in Europeana Crafted
- Konstantinos Chatzitheodorou (Pangeanic): The experience of using AI in the Europeana Translate project
- Pier Giacomo Sola (MCA): The experience of crowdsourcing in the CrowdSchool and CrowdHeritage project
DSI Webinar - How to map you data using an excel file
Has your institution already published its collection online? Do you want to make it visible in Europeana? Try with a small dataset, even ten records are enough. The higher the quality of your records is, the more they will be visible in Europeana. First, you need a correct mapping from your data model to EDM, the Europeana Data Model. In this interactive training webinar, you will learn how to do it using an Excel file.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:45 MUSEU presentation
00:04:32 Maria Teresa Natale, MCA
00:20:00 Marco Scarbaci, MCA
01:17:25 Davide Madonna, CULTURAITALIA
01:41:35 Conclusion
DSI Webinar - Basic training on Wikidata as a complementary tool to enrich metadata
Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. It is free, collaborative, and multilingual, and it collects structured data to support the other wikis of the Wikimedia movement and many other initiatives at the global level.
00:00 – Michael Culture Association Presentation and Introduction to the First Session (Maria Teresa Natale, MCA)
03:19 – Pier Giacomo Sola – Creating dedicated terminologies for education starting from Wikidata in the CrowdSchool Project
13:08 – Vesna Lovric Plantic – Wikidata as a Complementary Tool for Enriching Metadata of authors and producers
23:40 – Eirini Kaldeli Metadata – Enrichment by linking with WikiData in EuropeanaCrafted
39:28 – Introduction of Second Session
40:54 – Camillo Pellizzari Basic training on Wikidata
Digital sobriety and GLAMs
In recent years we have realized how much technology can impact the environment: experts claim that digital technology is responsible for 4% of emissions. In this context, cultural institutions face the challenge to reduce their environmental impact. This webinar, organized by Michael Culture in the framework of Europeana DSI, explored the needs and opportunities of digital sobriety for GLAMs: we dove into the main themes of this new concept, while exploring the existing guidelines and the good practices. This conversation featured Camille Pène, founder member of Les Augures, Dan Barnard, lead artist at Fast Familiar, and Barbara Fischer, liaison counsel at the German National Library’s Agency for Standardization (DNB). The session was moderated by Corinne Szteinsznaider from the Michael Culture Association.
Europeana Aggregators Fair - Maria Teresa Natale: A bridge for museums who want to join Europeana (16 July 2021)
DSI Webinar – Museums going digital: why invest on quality digital content?
The NEMO report “Follow-up survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on museums in Europe” issued in January 2021 highlighted the increased importance of digital museum offers in a changing world. Many institutions received financial support for new investments in digital infrastructures and/or digital programmes but they also claimed lack of skills in digital literacy.It’s now time for the museums to (re)think their digital strategy to supply their visitors with quality services. This webinar addressed the evolution of the digital approach of museums in a post-pandemic world and illustrated the Europeana frameworks and resources that the European museums may apply to create, share and reuse quality digital content. The webinar was targeted to Museum professionals interested in joining Europeana.
DSI Webinar – Benefits of sharing content with Europeana
Sharing your data with Europeana, even if beginning with a small dataset, means to gain increased visibility, to bring the collections to new audiences in education, research and the creative industries, and be part of a large community of professionals of digital cultural heritage. The experts of four small cultural institutions in Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Italy - a scientific association, a museum, a gallery of a university, a virtual museum, will explain how they benefited from being part of the larger community of MUSEU that supported them in the process of creating, sharing and re-using quality digital content for Europeana. The webinar was targeted to cultural heritage institutions interested in joining Europeana.
Europeana Sport workshop – Copyright in the aggregation of sports content
During this workshop, we explored the principles that guide how to deal with copyright when sharing data with Europeana, and we'll put them into practice. The focus has particularly been on sports-related material.
Europeana Sport Workshop – Copyright in the user contribution of sports content
The workshop focused on collection days and use of sport material on social media. During this workshop, we explored the copyright considerations of sharing data with Europeana gathered through collection days. Unlike the first workshop on copyrigh, this one had a strong focus on the Terms for User Contributions that need to be respected in this framework. By working with examples of sports-related materials, we will put these principles into practice.
DSI Webinar - DIY Digitization: Tips for ambitious GLAMs
This webinar illustrated basic practices and processes on how to manage own small-scale digitization projects. Participants learnt few, precise guidelines that will help non-technical staff to write or monitor a digitisation project. Specific attention was given to book and image scanning and to quality check procedures in the digitisation workflow. The webinar was targeted to cultural heritage institutions interested in improving their digitisation practices.