MUSEU-HUB gives advice to European museums who want to approach digital exhibitions.

MOVIO is a tool for the creation of digital exhibitions. It helps curators to build stories using their digital collections in a new way, creating thematic paths by using different types of media or content. MOVIO allows very simple to quite in-depth navigation so that the richness of an exhibition can be fully covered online.
Open source code:
Info and training material on the AthenaPlus Wiki:
Manual of Good practice on MOVIO (PDF, 2168 kb)
MOVIO in pills

Uncommon Culture - Monographic issue on Virtual Exhibitions
This issue of “Uncommon Culture” looks into the highly relevant topic of digital and virtual exhibitions. This choice was a consequence of the work carried out by the AthenaPlus Digital Exhibitions working group and the MOVIO tool for virtual exhibitions being under development within WP5 activities. This issue presents, analyses and compares web services and innovative tools for creating digital exhibitions; European cultural heritage institutions report on their own as well as users’ experiences with digital exhibitions.

Handbook on virtual exhibitions and virtual performances
version 1.0 (august 2012)
This handbook is targeted to cultural heritage professionals (curators, archaeologists, art historians, archivists, librarians, designers and web designers, information scientists, communication managers, etc.) working in the valorisation and dissemination of knowledge also through exhibitions and performances made available online.
It intends to provide a useful conceptual tool for the digital transition process regarding cultural heritage, which must be tackled with the right infrastructure
and adequate conceptual, theoretical, organizational, and management tools, along with an awareness of the deep changes in prospects arising out of the chance to separate the governance of culture preservation from the strategies to promote cultural heritage, which strategies are often aimed at local tourism marketing and the exploration of new forms of cultural tourism.
Musem Collections Pilot aims at showcasing museum collections with a new presentation model. The enhanced and quality metadata produced by museum curators in respect to LIDO metadata model is generated by MINT and elaborated inside MOVIO. The resources are more than 1.000 content items from more than 20 museum institutions and organized in respect to a thesaurus navigation (similar to Getty’s AAT).
This pilot was created within the AthenaPlus project thanks to a cooperation among partners.
The prototype was realised thanks in particular to:
- FotoMarburg for the technical requirements
- National Technical University of Athens for the metadata export
- GruppoMeta for the visualization through MOVIO.