European Data Space for Cultural Heritage - 2022 ->
The common European data space for cultural heritage is funded under the Digital Europe programme as part of Europe’s Digital Decade. The Europeana Foundation - together with 18 committed partners and in close cooperation with the Europeana Network Association and Europeana Aggregators’ Forum - has been selected by the European Commission to deploy and steward it. MCA is one of the partners.
In year 1 (September 2022 - August 2023): four are the strand of work: Exploring the next generation infrastructure; More high-quality data; Build capacities and foster reuse; Digital services for the public
Europeana DSI-4 - September 2018-August 2022
The Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) showcases and provides online access to Europe’s cultural and scientific heritage.
Europeana DSI-4 is a continuation of the previous Europeana DSI projects (Europeana DSI, DSI-2, DSI-3). Europeana DSI-4 operates the Europeana core service platform from mid-2018 to mid-2020.
Europeana DSI-3 - Mid 2017 - Mid 2018
Europeana DSI-3 is a continuation of the previous Europeana DSI projects (Europeana DSI and Europeana DSI-2).
The DSI-3 project operates the Europeana core service platform from mid-2017 to mid-2018.
The Europeana DSI-3 consortium consists of Europeana Foundation as coordinator as well as 28 partners from ten different countries represented by aggregators and expert hubs, developers, experts and organisations with relevant distribution networks.
Michael Culture is the Expert Hub for museums in Europe.
Michael Culture manages MUSEU-HUB, a reference point for European museums and other cultural institutions hosting museum collections in the field of digital cultural heritage and aggregation for Europeana.It provides services, good practices, training, help-desk, documentation, updating on digitisation, standards, aggregation, IPR and reuse, multilingualism and terminologies, digital exhibitions, digital storytelling tools.
Europeana DSI - Digital Service Infrastructure - April 2014 - August 2017
DSIs are composed of ‘core service platforms’ which enable trans-European connectivity and interoperability, and related ‘generic services’ which link national and sectorial infrastructures to the platforms.
Under funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Trans-European Telecommunications Networks Work Programme 2014 & 2016 , Europeana will develop into a widely recognised platform of services and resources, not only for metadata references, but also for access to cultural content, tools and technologies, projects and other services.
As a Digital Service Infrastructure, Europeana will continue to connect the online collections of Europe’s cultural heritage institutions.
The core objectives of the Europeana DSI are to innovate the aggregation infrastructure, boost the distribution infrastructure and work towards long-term financial stability through business model innovation.
To create a complete, cohesive and integrated Digital Service Infrastructure, Europeana relies on its partnerships with domain and national aggregating partners - including Michael Culture - are involved in the project, leading by Stichting Europeana Europeana Foundation.
Michael Culture is involved as the aggregator for museums.