Bamboe kleuterstoel
Title in English: Bamboo toddler chair
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2010
Material: Bamboe
Inventory number: RWCC-240440
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Bamboe stoel met ronde leuning 1
Title in English: Bamboo chair with round backrest 1
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2000 ca
Material: Bamboe, gespleten bamboe
Inventory number: RWCC-240460
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Bamboe stoel met ronde leuning 2
Title in English: Bamboo chair with round backrest 2
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2000 ca
Material: Bamboe, gespleten bamboe
Inventory number: RWCC-240470
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Coromandel houten stoel met rotanscheen stoelmat.
Title in English: Calamander wood side chair with chaircane seat
Creator: -
Creation-date: 1750 ca
Material: Calamander wood, (fammily Ebenaceae / genus Diospyros / species D. quaesita) and chaircane
Inventory number: RWCC-240020
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Diagonaalstoel' Rotan scheen, W H Gispen n.2a Dutch originals
Title in English: Diagonal chair, Chaircane, W H Gispen n.2a, mede by Dutch originals
Creator: W H Gispen
Creation-date: 2000
Material: Verchroomde buis, rotanscheen
Inventory number: RWCC-240100
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Knopstoel gedraaid eiken met biezen zitting, kleuter
Title in English: Toddler Button chair, turned oak with reed seat
Creator: -
Creation-date: 1954
Material: Hout, biezen
Inventory number: RWCC-240160
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Lloyd Loom stoel wit
Title in English: Lloyd Loom chair white
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2000
Material: Rotanmanau, Lloyd loom ijzerdraad omwikkeld met papier
Inventory number: RWCC-240480
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Manau fauteuil groot met kussen
Title in English: Manou large armchair with striped corduroy cushion
Creator: uit Indenesië
Creation-date: 1970
Material: RattanManau, coduroy kussen
Inventory number: RWCC-240370
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Manau fauteuil klein met kussen
Title in English: Manou smaler armchair with striped corduroy cushion
Creator: uit Indenesië
Creation-date: 1970
Material: RattanManau, coduroy kussen
Inventory number: RWCC-240380
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Manau stoel met krul onder armlegger met wit kussen
Title in English: Manau chair with curl under armrest with white cushion
Creator: uit Indenesië
Creation-date: 1975 ca
Material: RattanManau, bruine beits, schuim rubber wit kussen.
Inventory number: RWCC-240390
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Mechelse jugendstil knopstoel met rotanscheen zitting en leuning
Title in English: Mechelen Art Nouveau button chair
Creator: -
Creation-date: 1920 ca
Material: Eikenhout en rotanscheen
Inventory number: RWCC-240050
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Miniatuur beugelstoeltje rotanpit
Title in English: Miniature canecore bracket back chair
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2010
Material: Rotanpit
Inventory number: RWCC-240520
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Miniatuur kraamstoel fijn scheenwerk
Title in English: Miniature fine skein willow work chair fauteuil / 'kraamstoel' by Esmé Hoffman
Creator: Esmé Hofman
Creation-date: 2017
Material: Wilg, triplex
Inventory number: RWCC-240510
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Orckney Chair met spiraal vlechtwerk rugleuning.
Title in English: Orckney Chair coiling straw back
Creator: -
Creation-date: 1960
Material: Stroo en getwijnd koord, hout
Inventory number: RWCC-240040
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY

Poppen Pauwen stoeltje met ruit
Title in English: Dolls Peacock chair with diamond
Creator: -
Creation-date: 2010
Material: Rotanpit
Inventory number: RWCC-240540
Object Current Location: Berg en Dal
Digital resource rights holder: RAUWS WICKER CHAIR COLLECTION
License: CC BY